Helping you to
restore your gut health
rebalance your menstrual cycle, regulate your nervous system
and re-energise your body

Blending nutrition, supplements, breathwork and lifestyle techniques to help you debloat, destress, regain energy and balance your hormones, so you can feel yourself again.

Are you ready 

To Up Level Your Health?

You’re probably here as you have had a calling for deeper healing within your body and mind. 

You know there must be a path to feeling better but you have no idea where to start. Perhaps you suffer with bloating, IBS, stress, anxiety, brain fog, low energy, painful periods, acne, weight gain, low mood, poor sleep, a lack of purpose…

health issues i support

Gut Issues


Poor Metabolism

PMS + Painful Periods

Low Energy

meet the founder

Hello, I'm Caroline

I'm a BANT Registered Nutritionist with a passion for helping you transform your health, so you have the tools to enjoy your life again. 

 Sometimes we go through things that throw our health out of balance. My method is about uncovering the triggers and drivers of your health issues, and bringing you back into balance, all the while helping you to fall in love with honouring your wellbeing. I help you make healthy, delicious; and healing, a celebration.

signature offering

Her Optimal Health: 
My 4 Month
1:1 Holistic Nutrition Programme

Her Optimal Health is a unique 4 month holistic nutrition coaching programme in which we deep dive into the health symptoms you are experiencing. We explore your diet, habits, lifestyle and emotions to find the root causes of your imbalances and unpeel the layers that are impacting you. I then use a blend of nutrition, supplements, somatic practices and lifestyle and mindset changes, completely tailored to your needs, to help connect with and restore your optimal health. 

"Caroline is not just a nutritionist, she is your number one supporter and I’ll forever be singing her praises for my health."

— Imogen


My Top Five Tips for Supporting Your Digestion

Click the link below to download my top 5 tips for supporting your digestion and get these tips into your life! Every small change is a positive change and it can be the smallest changes the make the biggest difference...

The Best Investment You Can Make

Is In Yourself